Clouden generally develops its services following a release cycle of (1) Internal Development, (2) Internal Testing, (3) Public Preview and (4) General Availability.
Here are brief descriptions of these stages and their purpose.
Internal Development
Development starts when we have a new service concept we believe is worth implementing and offering to our customers.
Internal Testing
When development has progressed enough that we have a usable service, we start testing it internally as soon as possible. Development continues while the service is being tested.
Public Preview
Once the service is functional and reliable enough to offer as a commercial product, we release it for Public Preview. At this point there may still be a few rough edges, but we consider the service mature enough to charge for it. We will listen for problem reports and fix problems as quickly as possible.
General Availability
After a period of Public Preview, and confirming the maturity of the service, we will release it for General Availability. Development of the service continues indefinitely and we warmly welcome feedback and feature requests from our customers.